Author Archives for Lauryn Mazzilli

Prepare your home for the colder months with INTU Blinds

January 2, 2024 3:00 pm Published by Comments Off on Prepare your home for the colder months with INTU Blinds

As the colder months approach, frostier and darker weather is on the way, and what better way to prepare than with a new set of INTU blinds? INTU blinds have many benefits and offer the perfect autumn and winter colour palette to create the ultimate cosy atmosphere in your home. In this blog we’ll look at how to make your home autumn and winter-ready using INTU blinds.

INTU blinds layered with curtains

People tend to be concerned with blinds in autumn and winter as they are brisker seasons. It is a good idea to find out the main problems that people face in these colder months regarding blinds, which are usually – Heat loss, Excessive Winter Sunlight and Privacy due to artificial light.… view more.